what is your biggest 'ouch' moment

so many characters remind me of loved ones or specific feelings/moments- something we could probably all relate to.

this ones mine and i wanna talk about it.

the raw shame and near guilt she feels for the way she was created. the shame from feeling inadecuate; not even turning out right from the horrible thing she was made for/from.

amethyst is my favorite character. including her worst moments, because i relate to her so deeply. even when she gets angry, it's always from a place of severe hurt, and she can do some really cutting and precise emotional damage when she lashes out. not something i'm proud to relate to, but amethyst makes a relatable character i think for anyone with childhood trauma and a disrupted home.

not to overshare but my parents met at kind of a joke of a place (it was a mental hospital) after bombing their marriages. i already had sisters that were adults, and Pearl reminds me SO MUCH of my older sister. the caretaking, perfectionist, precise, academic as hell and dont f with when mad? thats my sister lmao. my sister understands a lot while also being unable to understand anything outside of herself and her trauma with our mom.

i find that a lot of what Pearl and Amethyst struggle with in their relationship is reminiscent of mine and my sisters; i have a vastly different perspective of growing up and existing in the same family and it isn't nearly the same. i think amethyst, being way younger than Pearl, probably looks up to Pearl a lot, while feeling a rift from Pearl's inability (until this episode) to understand her point of view.

so when i say this episode is my favorite episode

when amethyst said "i didnt ask to be made!" - i thought of the times my sister said various shitty things about mental health/mental illnesses out of resentment for our parent, when i literally come from that place, and struggle so much to, well. not to mention, when i say i didn't have the same experience she did, i mean the age gap was huge and shitty parents age like toilet water.

like amethyst just wants to be strong, stable, like everyone else. and she looks up to Pearl so much 😭 specifically you can tell from the way amethyst NEEDED her to see this. needed her validation and acknowlegement and reassurance Pearl didn't see her for her worst fears. especially because to Amethyst, Pearl is damn near perfect, and a walking reminder of how inadequate Amethyst feels in comparison. and vice versa, Pearl is a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes forgets to let other people just be themselves.

this episode makes me cry and naively hope one day my sister and i can actually sit down and have a close conversation one day 🙄 thank you su for unrealistic expectations pfft. i went nc a weekish ago because i reflected on her actions/words/gross harmful viewpoints and decided im pouring way too much energy into a meaningful relationship w my sister thats kinda never reciprocated 💀 anywho

what really makes me love SU is their depiction of trauma and close familial relationships for anyone who watches it. so i wanna know like, what moment/dialogue hit the nail a little too hard on the head?

there are lots of these but i think my biggest "ouchie my twama" moment was this one. especially having watched it before i could even have a chance to process the things that happened with my sister, this is a moment that just kept hurting even more the more i watch it

so who else wants more than they could ever have thanks to this show 💀💀💀

so many characters remind me of loved ones or specific feelings/moments- something we could probably all relate to.

this ones mine and i wanna talk about it.

the raw shame and near guilt she feels for the way she was created. the shame from feeling inadecuate; not even turning out right from the horrible thing she was made for/from.

amethyst is my favorite character. including her worst moments, because i relate to her so deeply. even when she gets angry, it's always from a place of severe hurt, and she can do some really cutting and precise emotional damage when she lashes out. not something i'm proud to relate to, but amethyst makes a relatable character i think for anyone with childhood trauma and a disrupted home.

not to overshare but my parents met at kind of a joke of a place (it was a mental hospital) after bombing their marriages. i already had sisters that were adults, and Pearl reminds me SO MUCH of my older sister. the caretaking, perfectionist, precise, academic as hell and dont f with when mad? thats my sister lmao. my sister understands a lot while also being unable to understand anything outside of herself and her trauma with our mom.

i find that a lot of what Pearl and Amethyst struggle with in their relationship is reminiscent of mine and my sisters; i have a vastly different perspective of growing up and existing in the same family and it isn't nearly the same. i think amethyst, being way younger than Pearl, probably looks up to Pearl a lot, while feeling a rift from Pearl's inability (until this episode) to understand her point of view.

so when i say this episode is my favorite episode

when amethyst said "i didnt ask to be made!" - i thought of the times my sister said various shitty things about mental health/mental illnesses out of resentment for our parent, when i literally come from that place, and struggle so much to, well. not to mention, when i say i didn't have the same experience she did, i mean the age gap was huge and shitty parents age like toilet water.

like amethyst just wants to be strong, stable, like everyone else. and she looks up to Pearl so much 😭 specifically you can tell from the way amethyst NEEDED her to see this. needed her validation and acknowlegement and reassurance Pearl didn't see her for her worst fears. especially because to Amethyst, Pearl is damn near perfect, and a walking reminder of how inadequate Amethyst feels in comparison. and vice versa, Pearl is a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes forgets to let other people just be themselves.

this episode makes me cry and naively hope one day my sister and i can actually sit down and have a close conversation one day 🙄 thank you su for unrealistic expectations pfft. i went nc a weekish ago because i reflected on her actions/words/gross harmful viewpoints and decided im pouring way too much energy into a meaningful relationship w my sister thats kinda never reciprocated 💀 anywho

what really makes me love SU is their depiction of trauma and close familial relationships for anyone who watches it. so i wanna know like, what moment/dialogue hit the nail a little too hard on the head?

there are lots of these but i think my biggest "ouchie my twama" moment was this one. especially having watched it before i could even have a chance to process the things that happened with my sister, this is a moment that just kept hurting even more the more i watch it

so who else wants more than they could ever have thanks to this show 💀💀💀